Zorba ImmigrationZorba ImmigrationZorba Immigration
(Mon to Sat)
Mississauga, ON L5S 1X2
Zorba ImmigrationZorba ImmigrationZorba Immigration

Tourist Visa

Temporary Resident visa (Tourist/Visitor Visa).

Foreign Nationals coming to Canada for a shorter stay may require a temporary resident visa (popularly called as Visitor Visa or Tourist visa), unless they are from a visa exempt country. if you are not from a visa exempt country, you must be in possession of a temporary resident visa when you appear at a port of entry to show it to Canadian Border Security Officers.

IRCC issues the temporary resident visas after going through your application and founding you eligible to get one. The visa officer may grant you a temporary resident visa valid up to 10 years or till the validity of your passport, with a  maximum stay of 6 months during one visit. Under compelling circumstances, you may apply for a visa extension in some cases.


How to be eligible for a TRV

  • The visitor should be able to financial support himself in Canada
  • He must be medically fit
  • He must not have any criminal activity in the past
  • He must not work or study during the visitor period

Note: If you have an immigrant visa application in process, you can still apply for a visitor visa as long as you can show intent to return to your home country once your visa expires.

  • We can help you by assessing your profile and providing you with adequate guidance to incorporate required documents and evidence in your file to prove your ties to your home country, your financial capability and that you would return to your home country.


  • 7045 Edwards Blvd Suite 404, Mississauga, ON Canada L5S 1X2
  • +1-647-236-1765
  • info@zorbaimmigration.com